Tiny Tapeout 6

Design details

Launch stats

  • Launched: 30 January 2024
  • Submission closed: 19 April 2024
  • Submitted to Efabless 2404C chipIgnite shuttle using Skywater 130nm open source PDK
  • Chips expected October 2024, PCBs expected December 2024

Chip map

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout 06 Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_urish_charge_pump (Dickson Charge Pump) tt_um_psychogenic_wowa (WoWA) tt_um_oscillating_bones (Oscillating Bones) tt_um_kevinwguan (Crossbar Array) tt_um_coloquinte_moosic (Moosic logic-locked design) tt_um_alexsegura_pong (Pong) tt_um_iron_violet_simon (Iron Violet) tt_um_tomkeddie_a (VGA Experiments in Tennis) tt_um_MichaelBell_tinyQV (TinyQV Risc-V SoC) tt_um_andychip1_sn74169 (sn74169) tt_um_mattvenn_r2r_dac (Analog 8bit R2R DAC) tt_um_thorkn_audiochip_v2 (AudioChip_V2) tt_um_faramire_gate_guesser (Gate Guesser) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says game) tt_um_TT06_SAR_wulffern (TT06 8-bit SAR ADC) tt_um_soundgen (soundgen) tt_um_ledcontroller_Gatsch (ledcontroller) tt_um_digitaler_filter_rathmayr (Digitaler Filter) tt_um_histefan_top (Snake Game) tt_um_mayrmichael_wave_generator (Wave Generator) tt_um_advanced_counter (jku-tt06-advanced-counter) tt_um_FanCTRL_DomnikBrandstetter (PI-Based Fan Controller) tt_um_ps2_morse_encoder_top (PS/2 Keyboard to Morse Code Encoder) tt_um_calculator_muehlbb (16-bit calculator) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tempsens (Temperature Sensor NG) tt_um_haeuslermarkus_fir_filter (FIR Filter with adaptable coefficients) tt_um_mattvenn_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo) tt_um_analog_loopback (Analog loopback) tt_um_entwurf_integrierter_schaltungen_hadner (Projekt KEIS Hadner Thomas) tt_um_seven_segment_fun1 (7-segment-FUN) tt_um_moving_average_master (Moving average filter) tt_um_rgbled_decoder (SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver) tt_um_4bit_cpu_with_fsm (4-Bit CPU mit FSM) tt_um_flappy_bird (Flappy Bird) tt_um_drops (drops) tt_um_enieman (UART-Programmable RISC-V 32I Core) tt_um_gabejessil_timer (2 Player Game) tt_um_wokwi_384804985843168257 (playwithnumbers) tt_um_wokwi_384711264596377601 (luckyCube) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC)) tt_um_wokwi_384437973887503361 (Asynchronous Down Counter) tt_um_spi_pwm_djuara (spi_pwm) tt_um_SteffenReith_PiMACTop (PiMAC) tt_um_mattvenn_relax_osc (Relaxation oscillator) tt_um_jv_sigdel (1st passive Sigma Delta ADC) tt_um_wokwi_392873974467527681 (PILIPINAS) tt_um_scorbetta_goa (GOA - grogu on ASIC) tt_um_sanojn_ttrpg_dice (TTRPG Dice + simple I2C peripheral) tt_um_urish_dffram (DFFRAM Example (128 bytes)) tt_um_lucaz97_monobit (Monobit Test) tt_um_noritsuna_i4004 (i4004 for TinyTapeout) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc_v2 (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) v2) tt_um_vaf_555_timer (A 555-Timer Clone for Tiny Tapeout 6) tt_um_obriensp_be8 (8-bit CPU with Debugger (Lite)) tt_um_toivoh_retro_console (Retro Console) tt_um_mattvenn_inverter (Double Inverter) tt_um_SteffenReith_ASGTop (ASG) tt_um_lucaz97_rng_tests (rng Test) tt_um_dieroller_nathangross1 (Die Roller) tt_um_kwilke_cdc_fifo (Clock Domain Crossing FIFO) tt_um_spiff42_exp_led_pwm (LED PWM controller) tt_um_devinatkin_fastreadout (Fast Readout Image Sensor Prototype) tt_um_ja1tye_tiny_cpu (Tiny 8-bit CPU) tt_um_7seg_animated (Animated 7-segment character display) tt_um_neurocore (Neurocore) tt_um_zhwa_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer) tt_um_wokwi_394704587372210177 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ian_keypad_controller (Keypad controller) tt_um_urish_spell (SPELL) tt_um_vks_pll (PLL blocks) tt_um_fountaincoder_top (multimac) tt_um_dsatizabal_opamp (Simple FET OpAmp with Sky130.) tt_um_obriensp_be8_nomacro (8-bit CPU with Debugger) tt_um_LFSR_shivam (10-bit Linear feedback shift register) tt_um_shivam (Pulse Width Modulation) tt_um_algofoogle_tt06_grab_bag (TT06 Grab Bag) tt_um_meiniKi_tt06_fazyrv_exotiny (FazyRV-ExoTiny) tt_um_wokwi_394888799427677185 (4-bit stochastic multiplier traditional) tt_um_QIF_8bit (8 Bit Digital QIF) tt_um_MATTHIAS_M_PAL_TOP_WRAPPER (easy PAL) tt_um_andrewtron3000 (Rule 30 Engine!) tt_um_tommythorn_4b_cpu_v2 (Silly 4b CPU v2) tt_um_aerox2_jrb8_computer (The James Retro Byte 8 computer) tt_um_wokwi_394898807123828737 (4-bit Stochastic Multiplier Compact with Stochastic Resonator) tt_um_argunda_tiny_opamp (Tiny Opamp) tt_um_fdc_chip (Frequency to digital converters (asynchronous and synchronous)) tt_um_8bit_cpu (8-Bit CPU In a Week) tt_um_mitssdd (co processor for precision farming) tt_um_fstolzcode (Tiny Zuse) tt_um_liu3hao_rv32e_min_mcu (tt06-RV32E_MinMCU) tt_um_kianV_rv32ima_uLinux_SoC (KianV uLinux SoC) tt_um_wokwi_395444977868278785 (*NOT WORKING* HP 5082-7500 Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_394618582085551105 (Keypad Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_395054820631340033 (Workshop Hackaday Juli) tt_um_wokwi_395055035944909825 (Some_LEDs) tt_um_wokwi_395055351144787969 (Hack a day Tiny Tapeout project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823569451009 (First TT Project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823837887489 (Dice) tt_um_wokwi_395055341723330561 (Workshop_chip) tt_um_jduchniewicz_prng (8-bit PRNG) tt_um_wokwi_395054564978002945 (Bestagon LED matrix driver) tt_um_wokwi_395054466384583681 (1-Bit ALU 2) tt_um_wokwi_395058308283408385 (test for tiny tapeout hackaday) tt_um_s1pu11i_simple_nco (Simple NCO) tt_um_wokwi_395055359324730369 (Tiny_Tapeout_6_Frank) tt_um_disp1 (Display test 1) tt_um_pckys_game (PCKY´s Successive Approximation Game) tt_um_tiny_shader_mole99 (Tiny Shader) tt_um_wokwi_393815624518031361 (My Chip) tt_um_minibyte (Minibyte CPU) tt_um_emilian_rf_playground (IDAC8 based on divide current by 2) tt_um_triple_watchdog (Triple Watchdog) tt_um_wokwi_395142547244224513 (EFAB Demo 2) tt_um_chisel_hello_schoeberl (Chisel Hello World) tt_um_aiju_8080 (8080 CPU) tt_um_wokwi_395134712676183041 (Inverters) tt_um_nubcore_default_tape (DEFAULT) tt_um_wuehr1999_servotester (Servotester) tt_um_wokwi_395055722430895105 (Servo Signal Tester) tt_um_exai_izhikevich_neuron (Izhikevich Neuron) tt_um_lisa (LISA 8-Bit Microcontroller) tt_um_wokwi_394707429798790145 (32-Bit Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_CKPope_top (X/Y Controller) tt_um_MNSLab_BLDC (Universal Motor and Actuator Controller) tt_um_couchand_dual_deque (Dual Deque) tt_um_JamesTimothyMeech_inverter (Programmable Thing) tt_um_signed_unsigned_4x4_bit_multiplier (Signed Unsigned multiplyer) tt_um_lipsi_schoeberl (Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World) tt_um_i_tree_batzolislefteris (Anomaly Detection using Isolation trees) tt_um_wokwi_394830069681034241 (Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 bit) tt_um_rng_3_lucaz97 (RNG3) tt_um_wokwi_395263962779770881 (Bivium-B Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_dvxf_dj8 (DJ8 8-bit CPU) tt_um_silicon_tinytapeout_lm07 (Digital Temperature Monitor) tt_um_htfab_flash_adc (Flash ADC) tt_um_chisel_pong (Chisel Pong) tt_um_wokwi_395414987024660481 (HELP for tinyTapeout) tt_um_jorgenkraghjakobsen_toi2s (SPDIF to I2S decoder) tt_um_cmerrill_pdm (Parallel / SPI modulation tester) tt_um_csit_luks (CSIT-Luks) tt_um_wokwi_395357890431011841 (Trivium Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_drburke3_top (SADdiff_v1) tt_um_cejmu_riscv (TinyRV1 CPU) tt_um_rejunity_current_cmp (Analog Current Comparator) tt_um_loco_choco (BF Processor) tt_um_qubitbytes_alive (It's Alive) tt_um_wokwi_395061443288867841 (BCD to single 7 segment display Converter) tt_um_SJ (SiliconJackets_Systolic_Array) tt_um_ejfogleman_smsdac (8-bit DEM R2R DAC) tt_um_wokwi_395055455727667201 (Hardware Trojan Part II) tt_um_ericsmi_weste_problem_4_11 (Measurement of CMOS VLSI Design Problem 4.11) tt_um_wokwi_395034561853515777 (2 bit Binary Calculator) tt_um_mw73_pmic (Power Management IC) tt_um_Counter_1_shivam (8-bit Binary Counter) tt_um_wokwi_395054508867644417 (SynchMux) tt_um_otp_encryptor (TT06 OTP Encryptor) tt_um_wokwi_395514572866576385 (Parity Generator) tt_um_ADPCM_COMPRESSOR (ADPCM Encoder Audio Compressor) tt_um_3515_sequenceDetector (Sequence detector using 7-segment) tt_um_faramire_stopwatch (Simple Stopwatch) tt_um_ks_pyamnihc (Karplus-Strong String Synthesis) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8 (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned)) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8_sky130faha (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned) with sky130 HA/FA cells) tt_um_tommythorn_ncl_lfsr (NCL LFSR) tt_um_lk_ans_top (ANS Encoder/Decoder) tt_um_MichaelBell_latch_mem (Latch RAM (64 bytes)) tt_um_wokwi_395179352683141121 (Combination Lock) tt_um_Uart_Transciver (UART Transceiver) tt_um_dgkaminski (4-Bit ALU) tt_um_DigitalClockTop (TDM Digital Clock) tt_um_wokwi_394640918790880257 (IFSC Keypad Locker) tt_um_wokwi_395355133883896833 (BIT COMPARATOR) tt_um_alu (SumLatchUART_System) tt_um_alfiero88_VCII (VCII) tt_um_ALU (3-bit ALU) tt_um_topTDC (Convertidor de Tiempo a Digital (TDC)) tt_um_UABCReloj (24 H Clock) tt_um_CDMA_Santiago (CDMA_2024) tt_um_dr_skyler_clock (Clock) tt_um_motor (motor a pasos) tt_um_mult_2b (mult_2b) tt_um_CodHex7seg (Decodificador binario a display 7 segmentos hexadecimal) tt_um_S2P (Serial to Parallel Register) tt_um_PWM (PWM) tt_um_ss_register (serie_serie_register) tt_um_stepper (Stepper) tt_um_g3f (Generador digital trifásico) tt_um_ALU_DECODERS (ALU with a Gray and Octal decoders) tt_um_ram (4 bit RAM) tt_um_sap_1 (SAP-1 Computer) tt_um_guitar_pedal (Integrated Distorion Pedal) tt_um_mbalestrini_usb_cdc_devices (Two ports USB CDC device) tt_um_adammaj (Tiny ALU) tt_um_wokwi_395567106413190145 (4-Bit Full Adder and Subtractor with Hardware Trojan) tt_um_gak25_8bit_cpu_ext (Most minimal extension of friend's 'CPU In a Week' in a day) tt_um_hsc_tdc (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC) tt_um_BoothMulti_hhrb98 (UACJ-MIE-Booth 4) tt_um_dlmiles_poc_fskmodem_hdlctrx (FSK Modem +HDLC +UART (PoC)) tt_um_simplez_rcoeurjoly (tt6-simplez) tt_um_nurirfansyah_alits01 (Analog Test Circuit ITS: VCO) tt_um_ppca (drEEm tEEm PPCA) tt_um_wokwi_395522292785089537 (Displays CIt) tt_um_fpu (Dgrid_FPU) tt_um_duk_lif (Leaky Integrate and fire neuron(LIF)) tt_um_bomba1 (Latin_bomba) tt_um_chatgpt_rsnn_paolaunisa (ChatGPT designed Recurrent Spiking Neural Network) tt_um_bit_ctrl (Bit Control) tt_um_array_multiplier_hhrb98 (Array Multiplier) tt_um_wallace_hhrb98 (UACJ-Wallace multiplier) tt_um_I2C_to_SPI (TinyTapeout SPI Master) tt_um_rng (Random number generator) tt_um_wokwi_395599496098067457 (EVEN AND ODD COUNTERS) tt_um_8bitALU (8bit ALU) tt_um_aleena (Analog Sigmoid) tt_um_rejunity_1_58bit (Ternary 1.58-bit x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_rejunity_fp4_mul_i8 (FP4 x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_PWM_Controller (PWM Controller) tt_um_couchand_cora16 (CORA-16) tt_um_frq_divider (clk frequency divider controled by rom) tt_um_wokwi_390913889347409921 (Notre Dame Dorms LED) tt_um_timer_counter_UGM (4-Digit Scanning Digital Timer Counter) tt_um_koconnor_kstep (kstep) tt_um_lancemitrex (DIP Switch to HEX 7-segment Display) tt_um_PWM_Sine_UART (PWM_Sinewave_UART) tt_um_nicklausthompson_twi_monitor (TWI Monitor) tt_um_wokwi_395615790979120129 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ancho (Circuito PWM con ciclo de trabajo configurable) tt_um_wokwi_395618714068432897 (32b Fibonacci Original) tt_um_voting_thingey (Voting thingey) tt_um_hsc_tdc_buf (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - BUF2x1) tt_um_hsc_tdc_mux (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - MUX2x1) tt_um_petersn_micro1 (14 Hour Simple Computer) tt_um_sanojn_tlv2556_interface (UART interface to ADC TLV2556 (VHDL Test)) tt_um_gray_sobel (Gray scale and Sobel filter) tt_um_wokwi_395614106833794049 (Universal gates) Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available

All projects

Index Title Author
0 Chip ROM Uri Shaked
1 TinyTapeout 06 Factory Test Sylvain Munaut
2 UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC Tyler Sheaves, Phillip Marlowe, & Dustin Richmond
4 Most minimal extension of friend’s ‘CPU In a Week’ in a day Gregory Kollmer
6 SPDIF to I2S decoder Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen
8 Chisel Pong Tjark Petersen
12 8080 CPU Emily Schmidt
14 Tiny Zuse Florian Stolz
32 7-segment-FUN Armin Hartl
33 Asynchronous Down Counter Alen Music
35 Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) Harald Pretl
37 luckyCube Lejla Rahmanovic-Abdic
39 playwithnumbers Rukija Hafizovic
41 2 Player Game Gabriel Silva, Tristan Peterson, Conner F
42 Oscillating Bones Uri Shaked
43 drops Philipp Ploeckinger
45 Flappy Bird Robin Hohensinn
47 4-Bit CPU mit FSM Jacqueline Gislai
64 FP4 x 8-bit matrix multiplier ReJ aka Renaldas Zioma
66 CORA-16 Andrew Dona-Couch
68 kstep Kevin OConnor
70 UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - BUF2x1 Phillip Marlowe, Tyler Sheaves, & Dustin Richmond
72 UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - MUX2x1 Phillip Marlowe, Tyler Sheaves, & Dustin Richmond
74 Gray scale and Sobel filter Diana Natali Maldonado Ramirez
76 RGB Mixer demo Matt Venn
78 Projekt KEIS Hadner Thomas Thomas Hadner
97 spi_pwm djuara
99 PiMAC Steffen Reith
101 PILIPINAS Alexander Co Abad and Dino Dominic Ligutan
103 GOA - grogu on ASIC Simone Corbetta
105 TTRPG Dice + simple I2C peripheral Jonas Nilsson
107 i4004 for TinyTapeout ISHI-KAI
108 Moving average filter Alexander Hofer
109 Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) v2 Harald Pretl
110 SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver Andreas Scharnreitner
111 8-bit CPU with Debugger (Lite) Sean Patrick O’Brien
128 FIR Filter with adaptable coefficients Markus Häusler
132 Karplus-Strong String Synthesis Chinmay Patil
136 ADPCM Encoder Audio Compressor Charlie Hess, Emil Ivanov
142 Ternary 1.58-bit x 8-bit matrix multiplier ReJ aka Renaldas Zioma
160 32-Bit Fibonacci Linear Feedback Shift Register icaris lab
161 Some_LEDs marsPRE
162 RGB Mixer Zhe Wang
163 Workshop Hackaday Juli Juli
164 Animated 7-segment character display Aron Dennen
165 Keypad Decoder Slobodan Vrkacevic
166 Tiny 8-bit CPU Ryota Suzuki
167 NOT WORKING HP 5082-7500 Decoder Per Jensen
168 LED PWM controller Mikkel Holm Olsen
169 8-Bit CPU In a Week Ramyad Hadidi
170 Clock Domain Crossing FIFO Kenneth Wilke
171 Frequency to digital converters (asynchronous and synchronous) Eduardo Holguin
172 Die Roller Nathan Gross
173 4-bit Stochastic Multiplier Compact with Stochastic Resonator Spandan Kottakota and David Parent
174 ASG Steffen Reith
175 Silly 4b CPU v2 Tommy Thorn
194 ANS Encoder/Decoder Davide Asnaghi & Lenny Khazan
198 Two ports USB CDC device Maximo Balestrini
200 Snake Game Stefan Hirschböck
202 8-bit CPU with Debugger Sean Patrick O’Brien
204 The James Retro Byte 8 computer James Ridey
206 co processor for precision farming MITS ECE
224 Keypad controller Ian Tawileh
226 multimac Jonny Edwards
227 TinyQV Risc-V SoC Michael Bell
228 10-bit Linear feedback shift register Shivam Bhardwaj, Sachin Sharma, Pankaj Lodhi and Ambika Prasad Shah
229 Analog 8bit R2R DAC Matt Venn
230 Pulse Width Modulation Shivam Bhardwaj, Sachin Sharma and Ambika Prasad Shah
231 TT06 8-bit SAR ADC Carsten Wulff
232 4-bit stochastic multiplier traditional Vedika Sharma and David PArent
233 VCII Alfiero Leoni
234 8 Bit Digital QIF David Parent
235 Programmable Thing James Meech
236 easy PAL Matthias Musch
237 PLL blocks Vipul Sharma
238 Rule 30 Engine! andrewtron3000
239 TT06 Analog Factory Test Sylvain Munaut
258 tt06-RV32E_MinMCU Weihao Liu
263 Crossbar Array Kevin Guan
264 TinyRV1 CPU Prof. Dr. Matthias Jung, Jonathan Hager, Philipp Wetzstein
265 WoWA Pat Deegan
267 A 555-Timer Clone for Tiny Tapeout 6 Vincent Fusco
269 Dickson Charge Pump Uri Shaked
270 Neurocore Kyrylo Kalashnikov
271 Tiny Opamp argunda
288 test for tiny tapeout hackaday ivo-tt
289 Triple Watchdog Ignacio Chechile
290 1-Bit ALU 2 FW
291 Minibyte CPU Zach Frazee
292 Bestagon LED matrix driver Marijn
293 My Chip Ani Hakobyan
294 8-bit PRNG Jakub Duchniewicz
295 Tiny Shader Leo Moser
296 Workshop_chip Inne Lemstra
297 PCKY´s Successive Approximation Game pcky
298 Dice Mastro Gippo
299 Display test 1 Mastro Gippo
300 First TT Project t4m
301 Tiny_Tapeout_6_Frank Frank Hellmann
302 Hack a day Tiny Tapeout project Manuel
303 Simple NCO s1Pu11i
324 SiliconJackets_Systolic_Array SiliconJackets
330 ChatGPT designed Recurrent Spiking Neural Network Paola Vitolo, Michael Tomlinson, ChatGPT-4, Gian Domenico Licciardo, Andreas Andreou - [email protected]
334 Izhikevich Neuron ExAI Dmitri Lyalikov
416 X/Y Controller Charles Pope
417 Digital Temperature Monitor Priyansu Sahoo and Saroj Rout
418 32-Bit Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register icaris lab
419 DJ8 8-bit CPU DaveX
420 Servo Signal Tester Holunder
421 Bivium-B Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register icaris lab
422 Servotester Jonas Wuehr
423 Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 bit EconomIC Engineers
424 DEFAULT Beau Ambur
425 Anomaly Detection using Isolation trees Eleftherios Batzolis
426 Inverters James Meech
427 Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World Martin Schoeberl
428 Chisel Hello World Martin Schoeberl
429 Signed Unsigned multiplyer Ole Henrik Moller
430 EFAB Demo 2 Anton Maurovic
431 Dual Deque Andrew Dona-Couch
452 DFFRAM Example (128 bytes) Uri Shaked
458 Retro Console Toivo Henningsson
462 FazyRV-ExoTiny Meinhard Kissich
481 HELP for tinyTapeout Ariella Eliassaf
482 1st passive Sigma Delta ADC Joerg Vollrath
483 Parallel / SPI modulation tester Chris Merrill
484 Flash ADC htfab
485 CSIT-Luks CSIT Team (Jan Furlan, Jurica Gašpar, Marko Marinović, Tin Sorić, Ivan Štignedec, Dino Terman, Jurica Kundrata)
486 Double Inverter Matt Venn
487 Trivium Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register icaris lab
488 Analog Test Circuit ITS: VCO Astria Nur Irfansyah
489 SADdiff_v1 Daniel Burke
490 Simple FET OpAmp with Sky130. Diego Satizabal
491 BF Processor Ivan Pancheniak
492 TT06 Grab Bag algofoogle (Anton Maurovic)
493 It’s Alive Jonathan Anderson, Qubitbytes Ltd
494 Analog loopback Matt Venn
495 BCD to single 7 segment display Converter Kelvin Kung
514 AudioChip_V2 Thorsten Knoll
516 Relaxation oscillator Matt Venn
518 Integrated Distorion Pedal Nanik Adnani
520 Leaky Integrate and fire neuron(LIF) Vyshnav P Dinesh
522 IDAC8 based on divide current by 2 Emilian Miron
524 Analog Current Comparator Renaldas Zioma
526 Analog Sigmoid aleena
544 TT06 OTP Encryptor , Aimee Kang, Alexander Schaefer
545 Convertidor de Tiempo a Digital (TDC) Juan Vargas Ferrer & Luis Carlos Alvarez Simón
546 SynchMux bc2kaneda
547 3-bit ALU José Raña Gámez
548 8-bit Binary Counter Aryan kannaujiya, Shivam Bhardwaj and Ambika Prasad Shah
549 SumLatchUART_System Gilberto Ramos Valenzuela
550 Power Management IC Matthew Wong
552 2 bit Binary Calculator Nikhil Jindal
553 IFSC Keypad Locker Roddy Romero; Gabriel Mota; Luis Davi Paganella; Vinicius Westphal De Paula;
554 Measurement of CMOS VLSI Design Problem 4.11 Eric Smith
555 TDM Digital Clock Hassan & Huzaifa tariq
556 Hardware Trojan Part II Jeremy Hong
557 4-Bit ALU Daniel Kaminski
558 8-bit DEM R2R DAC Eric Fogleman
559 UART Transceiver Saad Khan, Saim Iqbal
582 Universal Motor and Actuator Controller Assoc. Prof. Dinçer Gökcen, Ethem Buğra Arslan, Batu Cem Özyurt
590 Dgrid_FPU Aravind-Prasad-Abhinav-Prakash
608 Parity Generator Eric Ulteig
609 24 H Clock UABC Team
610 Sequence detector using 7-segment Atharv Sharma & Lipika Gupta
611 CDMA_2024 Santiago Robledo Acosta, Jóse Miguel Rocha Pérez
612 Simple Stopwatch Fabio Ramirez Stern
613 Clock Hilburn
614 MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned) Darryl Miles
615 motor a pasos Alan Tavira
616 MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned) with sky130 HA/FA cells Darryl Miles
617 mult_2b Juan Manuel Lpez Pasten
618 NCL LFSR Tommy Thorn
619 Decodificador binario a display 7 segmentos hexadecimal Victor Manuel Cante Saloma
620 Latch RAM (64 bytes) Mike Bell
621 Serial to Parallel Register Ricardo M. Rocha Torres
622 Combination Lock Eric Cheng
623 PWM NoeReyes
642 SPELL Uri Shaked
654 RNG3 Luca Collini
672 4-Bit Full Adder and Subtractor with Hardware Trojan Jeremy Hong
673 Notre Dame Dorms LED Allison Fleming, Daniel Yu, Matthew Morrison
674 Tiny ALU Adam Majmudar
675 clk frequency divider controled by rom Gilberto Ramos Valenzuela
676 SAP-1 Computer Jonathan Zhou, Rana Singh, Anika Agarwal
677 PWM Controller Ziyi Zhao, Yuchen Ma
678 4 bit RAM Alejandro Silva Juarez
679 8bit ALU David Parent,Chih-Kaun Ho, Edric Ong
680 ALU with a Gray and Octal decoders Luis Antonio Quezada Santos, Santiago Robledo Acosta, José Miguel Rocha Pérez
682 Generador digital trifásico Jesús García Guzmán, Jorge Rafael Frantos Morales, Brian Isaías Landa León, Alan Eduardo Peralta Fuentes, Juan José Guzmán Lagunes, Adolfo de Jesús García Méndez, Paola Gabriela Rodríguez Sánchez, José de Jesús Sánchez Hernández
683 Random number generator VineetaVNair & ShilpaPavithran
684 Stepper Miguel de Jesús Salazar Pedraza
685 TinyTapeout SPI Master Samit & Fahim
686 serie_serie_register C.A. Velázquez-Morales
687 UACJ-Wallace multiplier UACJ Group A
710 UART-Programmable RISC-V 32I Core Ethan Nieman
718 Monobit Test Luca Collini
736 UACJ-MIE-Booth 4 UACJ Group A
737 4-Digit Scanning Digital Timer Counter Muhammad Shofuwan Anwar
738 FSK Modem +HDLC +UART (PoC) Darryl Miles
739 DIP Switch to HEX 7-segment Display Lance Mitrex
740 tt6-simplez Roland Coeurjoly
741 PWM_Sinewave_UART Luis Gerardo Avila
742 drEEm tEEm PPCA Calvin Sokk, William Mingham Zhu, Calvin Yeh, Eric Liu
743 TWI Monitor Nicklaus Thompson
744 Displays CIt Cambridge
745 Cambio de giro de motor CD Equipo6TESVG
746 Latin_bomba Arizaga Silva
747 Circuito PWM con ciclo de trabajo configurable Maria Fernanda Tovany Salvador, Javier Trucios Alonso & Luis David Vazquez Perez
748 Bit Control K Opong-Mensah
749 32b Fibonacci Original Felipe Serrano
750 Array Multiplier UACJ Group A
751 Voting thingey Zoda + Jade
782 14 Hour Simple Computer Peter Schmidt-Nielsen
812 Universal gates htfab
814 UART interface to ADC TLV2556 (VHDL Test) Jonas Nilsson
842 rng Test Luca Collini
846 Fast Readout Image Sensor Prototype Devin Atkin
897 soundgen Yanik Drmla
899 Simon Says game Uri Shaked
901 Gate Guesser Fabio Ramirez Stern
903 sn74169 andychip1
905 VGA Experiments in Tennis Tom Keddie
907 Iron Violet John Cope
909 Pong Alex Segura
910 KianV uLinux SoC Hirosh Dabui
911 Moosic logic-locked design Gabriel Gouvine
961 ledcontroller Mathias Garstenauer
963 Digitaler Filter Nico Rathmayr
965 Wave Generator Michael Mayr
967 jku-tt06-advanced-counter Martin Putz
969 PI-Based Fan Controller Dominik Brandstetter
971 PS/2 Keyboard to Morse Code Encoder Daniel Baumgartner
973 16-bit calculator Benedikt Muehlbachler
974 LISA 8-Bit Microcontroller Ken Pettit
975 Temperature Sensor NG Harald Pretl